Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's Tuesday

Megan is getting out school soon and Kayla is off to Disneyland with a friend. Just another day with dishes, laundry and facebook! Going to have to start Megan's animal project due Friday. She wants to make a BUNNY .. no sure how we can do that out of a milk container and egg carton but will see.
Hopefully start scrapbooking soon...

Pictures from out last competition!


CAB said...

Hi - I was reading through all the comments on the Pioneer Woman's blog and noticed yours - try visiting the "ilovephotography.com" site - you will learn TONSSSSS - go to the Just Starting Out Forums - that's where I've been reading and reading and reading and learning - they're SOOO helpful there - photogs. at all stages of learning, pros and beginners. Hope this helps you!


The Roddas said...

The girls look so darn cute!! How fun that they both love cheer :)